Case studies
An Indian Consulting Firm Boosts Productivity...

An Indian Consulting Firm Boosts Productivity and Data Security with Remotedesk, Saving 2% in Operational Costs with RemoteDesk.

April 4, 2024

Client Background:

The Indian multinational information technology services and consulting company is based in Bengaluru and provides a range of IT solutions and services to clients globally. They have a large team of skilled employees who work on various projects for clients across different industries. The company has a strong focus on data security and has implemented several measures to protect sensitive information.


In 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the company had to quickly adapt to remote working to ensure business continuity. However, given the sensitive nature of the client data they worked on, maintaining the physical security of remote-working employees became a major concern. The company needed to find a way to ensure that 600+ employees were working in a secure environment while accessing and handling personally identifiable information (PII) data of their largest independent broker-dealer client in the United States.


The company decided to implement RemoteDesk, a remote workforce management tool that provided an added layer of security for remote working employees. The tool helped the company monitor and maintain the physical work environment security of remote working employees by recording videos of their workspace. In addition, it detects non-compliance activities and gives real-time alerts to the security team for any suspicious activity.

To ensure that the tool complied with client security requirements, the Indian multinational’s business team sought the necessary security approvals from the client and internally from the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) of the organization. Once the necessary approvals were obtained, the tool was implemented for all remote-working employees.


The implementation of the RemoteDesk tool helped the company achieve several benefits. The company was able to continue serving its largest independent broker-dealer client while maintaining the security and confidentiality of PII data. This helped the company maintain the client’s confidence in their services.

The tool also helped increase employee productivity by 15% and allowed the company to track productivity leakages. The company was able to reduce its spending significantly and was able to save 2% on operational costs.

In addition to these benefits, employees reported improved work-life balance with remote work. They were also able to save on commuting spending and house rent (if migrated from tier II & III cities). The commute time adds to the additional working hours. Overall, the implementation of the RemoteDesk tool helped the Indian multinational IT services and consulting company successfully transition to remote work while ensuring the security of their client data and achieving cost savings.

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